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Future Apple Vision Pro update could let users create their own gestures

Apple has plans for making Apple Vision Pro even more accessible and allowing for it to be controlled with customized gestures.

Poster displaying text 'Gesture Association Tool' and 'Is that Namaste?' with a hand gesture drawing. Room includes a lamp and a door.
Apple Vision Pro may recognize familiar gestures and let you assign them to tasks

Imagine being on a Zoom call and being able to mute yourself the way a radio DJ does by making a slicing gesture in front of your throat. Or perhaps make the age-old hand signal for “phone me” and have Apple Vision Pro send your contact details to whoever you’re looking at.

That’s the implication of Apple’s newly-granted patent, “Method And Device For Defining Custom Hand Gestures.” It’s a method of assigning any gesture to any Apple Vision Pro function, and while it comes from the headset’s accessibility features, it has a broad use.

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