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Apple released the iMac 26 years ago and it’s better than ever

Even if every part of the iMac has radically evolved, it’s still the only computer that debuted in 1998 that you can buy in 2022, because Apple got its core purpose right on this day, 26 years ago, when it went on sale

If there’s a single Mac that is the most beloved by its owners, then it could be the Macintosh SE/30, and it could be the “wicked fast” Macintosh IIfx, but it’s probably the 2006 Mac Pro. For being beloved by the sheer greatest number of users, though, it’s the iMac — the most successful series of desktop Macs that Apple ever made.

It’s not even close. That 2006 Mac Pro was not only a quite niche computer, but it was also the first of a series where every successive model has been late, and far less embraced by its market audience, including the latest Apple Silicon version.

Then for completeness, there were also other series of Macs after the original and before the iMac. But if anyone remembers the Centris or Quadra ranges, they don’t celebrate their anniversaries.

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