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Apple tweaking how default browsers are selected in EU

Apple is responding to EU criticism about alternative browser choices by simplifying selection, and in addition it’s adding more options over user control of other default apps.

Safari logo surrounded by twelve yellow stars, alongside icons for Messages, Photos, and Camera apps on a blue background.
As well as updating default browser choices, EU users will have more control over default apps such as Messages, Photos, and Camera

In response to the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), which also led to third-party app stores, Apple is increasing the options it gives users over default apps. Users in the region are already prompted to choose a default browser, although developers of alternative browsers still found reason to complain.

As before, the first time a user opens Safari on their iPhone or iPad, they will be shown a list of the most popular browsers in their region, and can select any of them. Also as before, the list will be presented in a random order, and will not favor Safari.

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