The Steve Jobs Archive has released a fascinating video of a 28-year-old Jobs explaining computers to a skeptical crowd in 1983.

Steve Jobs one year after his Aspen talk, posing here with the original Macintosh

Steve Jobs one year after his Aspen talk, posing here with the original Macintosh
The Steve Jobs Archive was launched in 2022 by Laurene Powell Jobs, Tim Cook, and Jony Ive. From that start, it has aimed to be “an authoritative home for Steve’s story,” and include video, audio, and text resources about Apple’s co-founder.
It’s now released “The Objects of Our Life,” a very rare 55-minute video from 1983 that shows a young Steve Jobs making one of his first major speeches. As Jony Ive says in his introduction, this was from the early days of Apple, yet Jobs was predicting the future that he would go on to help create.